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  • How a recruitment event could support your talent attraction goals.

    How a recruitment event could support your talent attraction goals. As an internal recruiter, HR professional, or business owner it’s not news to you that finding and securing candidates for your roles has become harder than ever. The typical approach to recruitment; job board adverts and generic social media posts doesn’t cut the mustard anymore. But, fear not! By employing tools from your recruitment armoury you can gain the upper hand; such as improving (or creating) your employer brand, developing a strong employee value proposition aka EVP AND, recruitment events. This blog explores what a recruitment event is, different types of events, some examples of what successful events have in common, and how to run a recruitment event yourself- essentially all you need to know to start proactively engaging with candidates on and offline. What is a recruitment event? Recruitment events can look different depending on the outcome. Whilst the overall goal is to hire someone, there’s a long game at play, brand awareness and relationship building between prospective employer and employee. You can think of a recruitment event as a networking opportunity - a great way for both of you to get to know one another without the commitment of an application or interview. Or conversely it can be ALL about hiring. The day could serve as a great way to get all the right people in the right place, at the same time. Whether that be a more formal assessment like structure, or a hybrid approach of a more informal event mixed with the opportunity to take their application to the next step should they be ready to take the next step. At their core most recruitment events are held to attract new potential candidates to a location (typically, and ideally where they’d be working whether that be hybrid, flexible or remote!) to allow candidates and hiring managers a chance to engage and discuss opportunities. Recruitment events serve as an excellent tool for attraction and yield high application and offer conversions. What makes a successful recruitment event? A successful recruitment event has a few core staples which includes the following: Stakeholder buy-in. Recruitment should be high up on the agenda of everyone in your business, and therefore easy for key stakeholders and hiring managers to commit when it comes to the preparation and delivery. Without this, you could do a great job attracting candidates to your event but the right people could fail to turn up, which puts you at risk of ruining that all-important first impression. Clear and united goals. Assuming stakeholders and hiring managers are on board, you’ll need a clear and agreed understanding of what you want to achieve. Is it a better or greater awareness of your business amongst the candidate pool? Is it to manage multiple candidate applications through assessments as a way of expediting the hiring process? Will it focus on a certain skill set or level of experience…? Defining a solid and shared goal will provide a framework to apply everything else to. The RIGHT candidates. Based on your united goals this should be straightforward. Only invite and aim advertising campaigns to those you wish to engage with for this event. Go too broad and you’ll struggle to deliver the key messages and get the right people talking to the right managers. At Optamor we assess candidates prior to sending them details of the event to ensure they meet the criteria. Hiring managers review details prior to event kick-off to allow them time to identify key talent to engage with on the day. An agenda, of sorts. There could be refreshments, presentations, tours and assessments - decide the look and feel of your event and be sure to map the day out and be sure everyone is aware of what’s happening and when. Signposting or collateral in any ‘goody bags’ is a great way to ensure both candidates and assisting staff are clued up at all times. The same hymn sheet. There’s a lot of talk about the importance of culture and benefits ( your EVP) - it’s pretty important, especially when you’re trying to attract candidates. So, if you’re hosting a recruitment event be sure that each of the employees attending is clued up on the key benefits and values of working at your company and confident about sharing their positive experiences. This SHOULD be organic and something you don’t have to force - but it could be a good idea to gauge how your colleagues attending the event would answer some of the key Q’s prospective candidates may have on the day. As you’ll know, Optamor (that’s us) is a talent solutions business. Recruitment events are one of many solutions we deliver to our customers. If you’re interested in running a recruitment event and would like our help - get in touch.

  • Tips for running a recruitment event

    Running a recruitment event takes coordination and patience. It could be useful to enlist the services of talent acquisition services *cough, cough* - like us, to take the stress out of things - allowing you and your HR team to steer the direction without getting caught up in the day-to-day operational tasks of running the event. If you are going to go it alone, we have the following tips: Give yourself enough time, but not too much. When trying to attract new candidates to your event it can feel scary to give yourselves a short window to get the numbers you’d like. BUT, if you give yourself too long you may find you have a high number of drop-offs.. Candidates who are in the market for a job, may have accepted an offer by the time your event comes along. We recommend advertising 2-4 weeks prior to the event. Of course, your planning and prep time frame will be much longer - depending on the focus of your event. Another timely-tip. Consider the time of year you’re holding your event. Avoid school holidays and peak summer holiday dates. Consider also competing external events that could take up the spotlight. Even things like festivals and expos could impact attendance uptake. Have processes in place. You’ll be surprised with how many registrations you might receive. Not all, of course - will be relevant. Have a team or process in place to go through all the registrations and sift through who will proceed to the event - and which comms they are to receive. Host it yourselves. It can be exciting to go off-site but most candidates, if they’re interested in working for you, will appreciate seeing where they will work if that is an option.. Help them visualise themselves in your team by having the event at one of your facilities. It saves on event costs too. Lead with feeling. Career moves are personal things. People by nature are emotive - consider the feeling you want prospective candidates to leave with. A poorly planned event could leave talent walking away with the impression your business is chaotic. A warm, welcoming and engaging approach will suit most candidates. Respond. Don’t ruin the great impression you made by ‘ghosting’ your attendees following the event. Follow up with an email thanking them for attending - and offer them the opportunity to take their application further if necessary. Candidate experience is incredibly important so it’s wise to consider how the journey connects both online and offline. Reflect. If you did the event well, you’ll likely want to do another sometime in the future. Take stock of what worked, what didn’t and how you can improve the performance of the event for next time. As you’ll know, Optamor (that’s us) is a talent solutions business. Recruitment events are one of many solutions we deliver to our customers. If you’re interested in running a recruitment event and would like our help - get in touch.

  • Common misconceptions of RPO and MSP recruitment solutions

    If you're looking to improve your recruitment efforts, you've probably started to explore talent solutions such as Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and Managed Service Programme (MSP). But, with all the confusion out there, it's easy to get the wrong idea about these two recruitment methods. So, let's clear up some of the common misconceptions of RPO and MSP recruitment solutions. Misconception 1: RPO and MSP are the same thing Nope! RPO and MSP are not the same thing, although a lot of people mix them up. RPO means outsourcing their permanent hires recruitment process to a third-party provider, whereas MSP is a service where your partner provider is responsible for the management of sourcing, engagement and administration of temporary, contract and other non-permanent workers. Misconception 2: RPO and MSP are only for big businesses Wrong again! RPO and MSP can be customised to suit the needs of organisations of any size. Whether you're a big business or a small one, you can take advantage of these recruitment methods. RPO can be a full-scale solution for large organisations, while MSP can help manage a small number of recruitment agencies. And in some cases more agile talent solution businesses offer on-demand services which allow you to solve a short term talent challenge. Misconception 3: RPO and MSP are too expensive There's the assumption that RPO and MSP are expensive, but the truth is, they often save you money in the long run. By streamlining processes, improving candidate quality and reducing time to hire, RPO and MSP can help you reduce recruitment costs. Plus, by taking the administrative burden of recruitment off your hands, you can free up your internal resources to focus on your core business. Misconception 4: RPO and MSP sacrifice control and flexibility Not a chance! When it comes to RPO and MSP, you're still in the driver's seat. RPO and MSP providers work with you to make sure your recruitment processes align with your specific needs and goals. You retain control over the recruitment process, and your RPO and MSP partners provide guidance and support to make sure everything runs smoothly. So there you have it! RPO and MSP are valuable recruitment tools that can help you improve your recruitment processes, reduce costs, and increase the quality of your candidate pool. By clearing up these misconceptions, you can make a more informed decision about how to take your recruitment efforts to the next level. Want to read more? Take a look at our list of questions to ask before you sign an agreement for an RPO or MSP provider.

  • Questions to ask your RPO/MSP recruitment provider before signing an agreement.

    When considering partnering with an RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) or MSP (Managed Service Provider) for your recruitment needs, it's crucial to ensure that you are making the right choice for your company. To help you make an informed decision, here are some important questions to ask before signing an agreement with an RPO/MSP: What is your experience and expertise in our industry/field? How do you approach candidate sourcing and selection? Can you provide references or case studies from similar organizations to ours? How do you ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, such as equal opportunity and data privacy? How do you measure the success and ROI of your services? Can you customise your services to fit our specific needs and processes? How do you handle any disputes or issues that may arise during the agreement? How do you communicate with us and keep us updated on the recruitment process? How do you handle confidentiality and the protection of sensitive information? What is your pricing structure and are there any hidden costs or fees? By asking these questions, you can gain a better understanding of the RPO/MSP's capabilities, processes, and commitment to delivering results for your business. It's also an opportunity for you to discuss your expectations and ensure that the RPO/MSP is a good fit for your company. Why not ask us some of these questions? We'd be more than happy to have a chat over a coffee to explore the challenges you're facing and how our experience can support you with your goals.

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