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Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

About Us: Business Structure and Operations


The Serocor Group includes Serocor Holdings Ltd (CRN 06254182), Advanced Resource Managers Ltd (CRN 05259448), Advanced Resource Managers IT Ltd (CRN 03242420), Advanced Resource Managers Engineering Ltd (CRN 04271358), Serocor Projects Limited (CRN 04271510) and Optamor Ltd (CRN 04271349).  Any references to “Serocor”, “the Serocor Group”, “we”, “our” or “us” refers to that Serocor Group company and, where relevant, the other companies within the Serocor Group.

The Serocor Group is an award-winning multidisciplinary recruitment and training consultancy. The Serocor Group provides contingency recruitment, managed services and bespoke talent management solutions within the IT, engineering and business industries.  We supply mainstream and niche permanent and contract professionals into diverse industries in the public and private sectors across the UK and EMEA regions.

The Serocor Group has over 100 employees and a global annual turnover which exceeds the current turnover threshold of £36m per annum under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The Serocor Group is also a member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (“REC”).


Due Diligence and Supply Chains


 As part of the Serocor Group’s responsibilities, we ensure (either ourselves or through contractual obligations imposed on its suppliers or clients) that all workers engaged or employed for its own business purposes or supplied to its clients:

  • Have the right to work in the relevant jurisdiction;

  • Can choose who to work for;

  • Can leave the company (or agency) upon reasonable notice;

  • Are provided with suitable contracts for their engagement type, and that those contracts are compliant with local legislation;

  • Are treated in a fair and equal manner and with dignity and respect; and

  • Receive their full pay entitlement in a timely manner.


In addition, we comply with our statutory and regulatory compliance obligations by imposing resilient internal processes and procedures.


Our supply chain includes the sourcing of candidates for supply into our clients across the UK, EMEA regions and internationally. Having a supply chain inevitably increases the potential risk of slavery and human trafficking, therefore the Serocor Group has a preferred supplier list in which suppliers are extensively reviewed and vetted before being allowed to become a supplier. Supply chain checks and reviews are conducted by our internal Legal, Compliance, Procurement and Sales teams.


See full policy here.

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